Women of Interaction Design

Telling the other
half of the story

Keep up with the project at womenofixd.com

Research and writing for a book that is currently in peer review with MIT Press.

Biographies that were written but edited out of the final manuscript are being presented in a bi-monthly newsletter and then added to the website.

Primary research - 55 interviews with women in the field including coworkers, clients and former employees.
Deep secondary research
Survey - 151 respondents across intersectional identities - read about the findings

Outcome of the work.
Book manuscript
35 + more biographies
Timeline book
Website with stories, timeline, did you know tidbits, blog
Connections diagram posts

Keep up with the project at womenofixd.com


The Timeline book is a timeline that documents computing and interaction design history events and highlights the accomplishments and important events of the women in the interaction design, user research and interface design fields. Includes book releases, community creation, university program creations as well as celebrating leadership roles being achieved. This is intended to be a companion to the book from MIT Press.


Visual connections of women in the field of UX/IXD/HCI. This is a segment of a larger work in progress and only goes to 1992 and predominantly focuses on the women involved in Graphical User Interfaces on hardware and kiosks. The time block is set by the generalized time block of the Second Wave of Feminism. The yellow boxes are the individuals. The purple boxes are agencies created by, run by or where these women worked. The Pink boxes are corporate entities where these women worked and leadership positions were acquired. This document is a work in progress and is being created as I work through my research. I acknowledge that there may be people missing, people may be miscategorized and as I find new information and others share their stories, I make updates and corrections. Visualizing the connections between women and these entities and seeing where people's careers have overlapped and crossed multiple sections helps me make sense of the information and research. Contact me for a PDF version of this document.

Selected Work

Social Pattern Library for ADLInteraction Design Research and Writing

nurxservice design, ethnography, interaction design

neptune financial lending appinteraction design

capital one t&e programinteraction design, user research

capital one small business banking concept models & IAstrategy, information architecture

katnipbrand design, interaction design

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